How To - Install Simplfile

How To - Install Simplfile

Simplifile Plug-in Configuration

This instruction document will take you through the steps of configuring the GreenFolders Simplifile Plug-in, and then general use of the plug-in to upload and download documents from Simplifile.

Configuration - After the plug-in is installed, follow the steps below:

  1. Setup the Logon Credentials, and configure the File Name that will be used. Start by selecting the GreenFolders application button and choosing ‘My Settings’:

  1. Next, choose the tab labeled ‘Simplifile’:

2a. If you do not see the Simplifile Tab, you may need to enable it from the Plug-ins tab by placing a check in the box and selecting apply:

(it may be necessary to close and re-open “My Settings in order to view the change)

  1. Once you have clicked on the Simplifile Tab, it should appear similar to the figure below:

  1. Now, type in the Login and Password that you use for Simplifile. Next, click on the Package Settings Tab and you should see settings similar to the figure below:

4a. First, determine if each Package submitted to Simplifile should be opened in its own Internet Web Browser page. If the “Open packages in web browser” box is checked, each time you submit a package to Simplifile, a new browser page opens. If the box is not checked, there is no browser page opened, the package is just submitted.

4b. Next, make sure that the Application and Folder Type are correct for the Folders you will be submitting documents from for recording.

4c. The Package Name contains information that will be used to name the package in Simplifile. You can use any of the functions from the Insert Function list. You may choose to use one, or more functions, however you may want to limit the number of fields for a more easy reference when in Simplifile. The default is to only show the Folder Name.

  1. Click “Apply” and the GreenFolders Simplifile Plug-in will remember your settings. You only need to enter your credentials once. If you need to change your credentials at any time, just repeat these steps.

The Plug-in is now ready for use. In the next section, we’ll show you how to upload and download documents, to and from Simplifile Using only the plug-in.

Use – Once you have finished configuring the Simplifile Plug-in, it is ready for use. See the instructions below to begin uploading and downloading documents from the Simplifile website:

  1. Open a folder in GreenFolders, click on the Attachments Tab, and then choose any attachment(s) to upload to Simplifile. Next, click the Right Mouse Button and the following menu will appear.

NOTE: When recording multiple documents from GreenFolders using the Simplifile Plug-in, it is necessary to select each document in the same order you would like the documents to record. (i.e. Vesting Deed 1st, Note 2nd, etc.)

  1. Select “Record with Simplifile” and the New Package window will appear, similar to the figure below.

  1. Choose the County in which you wish to record the selected Attachment(s). There is no need to change the “Name” field as this is determined by the selections made in the Configuration section above. Verify that the Documents listed are the correct documents then click the “Create” button. Your package is now created in Simplifile and the plug-in now should look like the figure below:

3a. At this point, the package has been submitted to Simplifile and the status is set to “Draft”. You may add or remove attachments by either clicking the “Add new Recording(s)” button to add an attachment or clicking the “X” in the Delete column to remove an attachment. The Package Status shows the current status from Simplifile and changes based on the actions that are taken in Simplifile. (For instance: If you opened the Simplifile website and changed the status to “Ready”, the plug-in would reflect the new state.)

  1. Once the Simplifile package has recorded, you may select the documents to download from Simplifile by clicking the box in the Download column. When all the documents you want to download are selected, click the “OK” button and those documents are then downloaded from Simplifile to GreenFolders. The attachment name will include “Simplifile” indicating that it was downloaded from the Simplifile website as a recorded document.

Note: It is important to remember that the Simplifile Plug-in is only used to send documents to and from the Simplifile website. Actually submitting documents for Recording, and other tasks, are completed using the Simplifile website.